Agreement on the use of the AyMINE application – Terms and Conditions

Basic Terms

Application means:

Account means an application account authorising its holder to create his/her own user accounts

Personal Data means any data that is associated with information enabling a specific person to be identified and the data to be associated with him/her.

Personal Data of a sensitive nature means any personal data that may cause the person to whom it relates to be persecuted or accused, that may offend his/her honour or dignity. Personal data of a sensitive nature includes all personal special categories according to the GDPR.

Non-Client System User is a user who has set up an account separately in an application on a mobile device, or via the website of

Client System User is a user whose account has been set up by an employer, association, association or other client. These Terms and Conditions do not apply to users with a client.

Who is authorized to use the application

A person older than 14 years of age may become a user. If the legislation of your country sets a higher age limit for free use of services on the Internet, you are obliged to comply with this limit.

By approving the Terms and Conditions, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.

Contractual Relations

AyMINE is provided by the operator of the application company PDQM, s.r.o., based in Prague, Ve Střešovičkách 169/37, Prague 6, ID 278 70 588. (Further Provider)

The other party to the contractual relationship is you personally. (Further User), based on the establishment of an account without a client.

Exclusion of Mediators

This contract applies only to situations where you create a user account for yourself personally. If anyone else created your account for AyMINE, they are the intermediary who provides the accounts for AyMINE. This contract therefore does not apply to your account. If you did not set up the account yourself, request the contract or the terms of use of the application from the person who provided you with the account.

Scope of the contract

The contract is valid for users who set up their account separately and individually. An organisation, association or any other association that wants to manage accounts separately must have its own contract. This contract cannot be invoked in such a case.

Place and subject of performance

The application is a service provided by remote access (further: via the Internet network). The subject of the information service is the provision of information management and the provision of remote access.

Ownership of information

All information and files you place in the application are your property and it is your sole responsibility to process them in accordance with the legislation of your country.

The Provider accesses your information for the purpose of providing services to the system. The Provider is not authorised by the contract to process other than what is required to provide the services.

Provider – responsibilities and powers

Obligations of the Provider

Exclusion of liability

The provider is not liable for any direct, indirect, mediated, foreseeable or unforeseeable consequences that the use of the application may cause to the user himself or through him or her to anyone in his or her vicinity.

The provider will make reasonable efforts to protect all information and ascertain the availability of the services provided. The user accepts by this contract that the application provider is not liable for

Explicitly: The application under this agreement is not intended to manage information that belongs to the category of classified or personal information of a sensitive nature, information that may endanger the freedom, security or life of people.

The Provider's powers and contractual right

User – responsibilities and powers

The User undertakes

The User is prohibited

Transitional and final provisions

Termination and termination of the contractual relationship

Both parties to the contractual relationship have the right to terminate the contractual relationship at any time without giving a reason.

Automatic termination of service provision

The contract is automatically terminated after 6 months when the user has not used the service. The provider deletes all records and files created or kept by the user in the application between 6 and 12 months after the last use of the service. Until the data is deleted, the user has the right to start using AyMINE again.

The provider is entitled, but not obliged, to give prior notice of the account termination.

Deletion of data after the user's termination

The User can cancel this contract immediately by ordering to terminate the contract in the User's settings of the application and subsequent confirmation of the link sent by email.

The Provider of the application is obliged to immediately invalidate the account and prevent access to the data. The Provider is obliged to delete all data and stored files no later than 30 days after the cancellation of the account.

Deletion of stored data to an active user

Stored data is managed by the operator for as long as the user has an active account in accordance with their standard life cycle. Some data is kept only for a limited period of time in accordance with these rules:

The above times are minimal, records can be kept in the system for longer. Records are kept longer for customers who have a service contract guaranteeing evidence of user's behaviour for audit purposes etc.

Changes and Availability of Terms and Conditions

The Provider is entitled to change the Terms and Conditions.

The Provider is obliged to inform about the change in the Terms and Conditions at least 30 days before the change comes into effect. The Provider fulfils this obligation by informing in the form of a message within the application. The message is considered to have been delivered by the date of delivery to the clipboard within the application.

The Provider undertakes to keep all texts of this contract with the term of their validity for a minimum period of 5 years from the date of its expiry.

Legal order

All establishment of the contract and other relations with you are governed by the laws in force in the Czech Republic. You agree that any disputes fall under the jurisdiction of the Czech Republic.

If you have any questions, please contact us via the contact form at, or via the contact form and application (if you have an account).

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