Support for business and technical analysis

AyMINE analysis supports project activities and records necessary for effective design and development of new products, software and hardware systems. The module facilitates work for teams that analyse requirements and design solution. Regardless is the product is an automotive item or a new business service, at the beginning should be well-defined requirements and are collected and analysed.

Requirement analysis

Module provides

Requirements analysis is linked to products and services from Asset Management and Project Management. This makes it a natural part of projects and creates documentation for new products and services.

Types of requirements

Requirements analysis can be used according to the type of the project. The system supports:

Service analysis

The module also supports record keeping with regard to the requirements of the ISO 20000 standard. Its implementation is further supported by a methodology. Within the framework of service analysis and accounting, the module supports:

AyMINE supports service management according to ISO 20000 not only in the area of records, but in all necessary processes.

Analysis as a service

The analysis in AyMINE is designed to serve not only for the actual recording of services, but also as a requirements analysis tool. AyMINE thus fully supports the use within implementation projects.

Modelling support in Enterprise Architect

Analytical information about products and services can be modelled in Enterprise Architect using:

More information about imports can be found at EA and AyMINE connector documentation.

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