Task and Information Management Module
The module manages not only tasks together, but also all the information that is needed for the job. It supports individual and group tasks, breaking down activities into areas or projects.
- Assigning tasks and monitoring their performance
- Tasks in the mobile workforce
- Documentation of actions and checks carried out
Management of meetings
Meeting management support includes all steps – scheduling, automating agenda preparation, conducting meetings, recording attendance, creating and tracking meeting tasks, supporting voting, creating minutes
Decision support
Decision making is supported both in terms of data and process.
Decision making can be documented
- reasons, suggestions,
- arguments of the participants
- who participated in the decision (voted, argued)
Procedurally, the system supports all the decision-making methods used:
- Individual decision – a decision made by one person who takes responsibility for it
- Voting decision – a decision based on the vote of a group of people. Voting can be fully online or remote
Task – a tool for teamwork
Task is understood in AyMINE in a much more general sense than in e.g. MS Outlook (where a task can be synchronized with limitations).
A task can be in the responsibility of one person, but usually there are at least two people – one who is responsible for the task, the other who executes it. Often, however, a whole team of people working together is useful
Roles in a team task
A task allows you to assemble a team and determine who is on the team and why. The following roles are predefined, but custom roles can be added if they are not enough:
- Responsible Person, is the person who is responsible for the task, and checks that it is completed.
The - Performer is the person who has been given the solution to the task to perform. Of course, it can also be the responsible person, but often it is not
- Collaborator is involved in the solution
- Approver is the one who approves e.g. purchases that are needed
- Verifier is useful when you want 4 eyes and to note who checked the work before it went ahead
- Auditor comes in handy when you need to maintain standards e.g. ISO 9001, Automotive SPICE. The auditor is saved with the job so you can easily document who audited what even when supervising later
Tasks work even without processes
Process automation increases efficiency for routine activities. But for many important activities, automation doesn't make sense and often gets in the way. The module has been designed to support full work without predefined processes; instead, it encourages open collaboration and thinking about activities instead of routine processes.
In activities that are managed ad-hoc, tasks can be used efficiently and thus have perfect order in the work.
Information management
Information can be categorized in the system, new versions can be created and shared with designated people. Information can also include documents – for more information see document management system.
Information can be created in different language versions, including support for automatic translation. Translations are stored together, so it is always possible to check if they are misleading or incomplete.
Information can be published on the Internet in the form of an electronic bulletin board.
Information sources about module
Information about the module can also be found in the module user documentation.
Some techical details can be also found in the technical documentation.
Task management is the basis of the procedural solution. How AyMINE procedural solution is described in a separate chapter here.