How standards can make your job easier

The problem that standards create How AyMINE solves it
Standards require evidence of what has been done. Without system support, this is very laborious Proof of activities is automatically generated
QMS requires remembering revisions, audits, etc. AyMINE automates the scheduling of reviews and audits. It automatically assigns tasks to people who are qualified to do so
ISO standards and similar documents are long boring reading We are familiar with the standards. You don't have to study it, we or our partners will provide you with ready-made in-house methodologies
QMS doesn't help, it just adds work, so you don't keep up, it certainly doesn't make work better Instead of guidelines, we offer automated tasks with workflows on everyone's desk when they need them. There is no need to study anything or to do an useless work

AyMINE provides standards-compliant system support for processes

  • ISO 26262
  • ISO 61508
  • Automotive SPICE
  • CMMI
  • and many other process-oriented standards

I want standards to make my job easier, not harder

I want to try the AyMINE system

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