Communication in the multinational teams

AyMINE support instant translation of tasks, messages, quality management system and information and makes cooperation of the internarial teams effective.

Toto video o tom, jak systém AyMINE usnadňuje komunikaci v mezinárodních týmech, můžete otevřít také nasamostatné stránce

Send internal messages to translated and protected

Send a message to a colleague who doesn't speak Czech and AyMINE translates it, so the colleague reads it easily and doesn't have to copy anything. You get a reply in Ukrainian and you get a reply in Czech.
System also translate all other kinds of communication, primarily tasks and discussion contributions.

Translation for the public institutions
  • Teachers can communicate with the families of Ukrainian children. Either directly with individual parents or post information on a bulletin board
  • Workers of the municipal authority that communicate with refugees gets the documented translated communication. Documentations of all message is essential in case of later dispute about the treatment with refugees. Last but not least communication translated by system can never be tracked by externals like Google/Alphabet.
  • The municipal authority or non-profit organization can publish information for refugee community using the public internet boards. All contributins are automatically translated.
  • Thanks to the established accounts, the municipality keeps contacts with Ukrainians and can contact them even if they go elsewhere and find out what is wrong with them.
Communication with Ukrainians in health care
  • The health centres can manage translated and documented communication and foreign visitors and expats. The system is protected according to the ISO 27000 standards. Information can only be seen by those who have right for that. The quality of the data protection is the same as the SMS messages but without the governmental access.
  • The health centre can open a public bulletin board with information about the availability of doctors, challenges, etc.
  • For expat nurses and other hospitality staff, the hospital can prepare information within the system that is required to handle the medical devices properly. Hospitalities and other healthcare organisation fulfil the training obligations and create knowledge base that is shared among all foreign workers.
  • The hospital can communicate with the patient with a translation and thus send directly to the patient's mobile phone information that nurses and doctors otherwise communicate with the patient orally – the results of the examination, further checks and procedure. The patient will understand thanks to this, even if doctors and nurses do not know the language of the foreigner patient.
con Internal regulations and quality management system should be perfectly understandable to each worker. Complications with task handling and documentation blocks many companies to build up international teams or the teams strictly requires some language skills. The limits obstruct utilise many experts to high-qualified positions. Regardless if the worker is refugee or expat, translated internal documents breaks the language barrier.

Automatic translation of the working procedures and standards and their linkage with the managed tasks in principle changes team communication. It allows managing of person even when there are language problems.

Website with translation

Do you offer services or support to refugees or expats? Use public bulletin board to publish posts directly from your hands. You might translate the bulletin post with just a single click. Or even more, publish your news to several internet pages and system translate it automatically to each of them.

You can create any number of bulletin boards in Czech, Ukrainian or in any other language and publish whatever you want..

Share information

Translated information are stored in original language as well as translation together (even with the same unique document id). The management of multilingual documentation is as easy as for single-language documents:

  • Information withdraw directly remove information including all translation. Even when information is published in several languages on several internet portals, the removal changes all pages at once.
  • Change of the information allows instant updates of the translation. There would never be a risk of obsolete translation. Thanks to that you might easily changes the working procedure, guidelines or even the complete quality management system and update it on all supported lanauges.

“For many refugees including Ukrainians, the language barrier is a major problem.”
Help them solve it and made the first step. You can make the second one: bring foreigners to you team and let the deeply learned artificial intelligence to simplify your internal communication.

Translated calendar and events

The calendar provides the same comfort of the instant translation. Invite foreign workers to the event and they will receive an invitation translated. They will also see it translated in their calendar. The meetings planning can never be more simple.

Each user has its own calendar, but you can insert invitations to each other's in the same way as you are used to do it from email applications. Here, however, invitations do not leave the protected area of the system and you can also attach other useful information or files (files are not translated by the system). Translated events could be synchronised with other tools like MS Outlook, Thunderbird or mobile phones.

Instantly translated meeting notes

The system manages the meetings and automate the meeting note generation. The notes are instantly translated during the meeting. You can invite people from several countries to the meeting and even when they do not understand smoothly, they could follow the programme and get everything instantly translated.

All translations remain stored and could be reviewed. The translations are provided once to each language regardless how many foreign visitors are on the meeting. Event when you organise quite huge meeting like stockholder meeting, full staff meeting, you can smoothly provide all result in many languages.

Assignments and Tasks

Are you afraid of foreign colleagues because you can't assign them a task? Don't they you understand you? The instant translation is a solution for you. Whan you submit the task, it is directly translated to the language of the assigned person.

Translated working procedures

Working procedure are part of the Quality Management System but does not have to be. Each manage can manage list of common tasks and their task procedure. AyMINE translate them and so the manager could assign anybody from the team.

Sample tasks are useful when you submit the same work repeatedly or when you have a task given by rules. For example, you can share procedures with new nurses or doctors within the hospital

Translated operationally assigned tasks

The advantage of translation is available for operational tasks as well. Assign someone the task written in your language and the guy gets it in his/her national language. Even when your staff is under the same roof or in another country, you might efficiently communicate and manage the team.

Support for Ukrainian refugees

Thanks to our cooperation with ÚFAL from MFF UK, we can offer you essential assistance in communicating with Ukrainians. Give them the opportunity to integrate easily into your collective.

The tool is free of charge for any business as well as for the local governments supporting refugees.

Get Multilingual Communication

Start with multilingual communication

Create your business account and start immediately. Try everything free of charge and you’ll see how much easier your manages accept foreign workers. You can get many new experts to your team.
You don’t have to spend a penny and you can start. With account you also get our strong privacy commitment. In a nutshell, we guarantee that all data is strictly protected and located on servers in the European Union. If you prefer, everything can be placed at your servers (however, some functionality is linked to our servers only.)

Every month new features

AyMINE is a system that has constant support. Every month you get new features. Are you missing something to do? You can get in touch and we will try to meet your need. The system has a development team that has the ability to respond to your needs. Thanks to this, we managed to support the Ukrainian language in a record short time – in 2 weeks from the idea.

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