Task & Meeting Management

Management of tasks, meetings, liabilities and overall management support is linked to the Quality Management methodology, projects and day-to-day agendas

Tasks under control

AyMINE gives you the task list you expect, but it does so much more:

  • Linking tasks to the Quality Management System
  • Collaborative team tasks
  • Integration with information, meetings, project requirements and other records
Task – a tool for teamwork

Task in AyMINE is rather powerful object with much more functionality than common tasks like those in the MS Outlook and similar tools.

The task has the responsible person, but a task supports a complete team cooperative persons – a person in charge, someone who is currently working on it and many others.

The task is a comprehensive view of the whole activity

A comprehensive concept of the activity brings a number of important benefits

  • It facilitates cooperation because more people contribute to the task
  • It simplifies control by the supervisor and internal audits.
  • It eliminates the risk of processing being lost in the process because it is transferred to a worker who is, for example, on vacation

Tasks can be divided

If necessary, tasks can of course be divided. AyMINE fully supports WBS – the work breakdown structure under each task. However, WBS does not serve to divide a task on parts between people cooperating togehter.

Role in a team task

A task allows you to build a team and determine who and why is on the team. The following roles are predefined and others could be added:

  • Responsible, is the person who is responsible for the task, and checks that it is completed.
  • Assigned actually perform the task. Of course, it can also be the responsible person, but often it is not the case
  • Cooperative is involved in the solution
  • Approver is the person who approves decisions related with the task
  • Verifier is useful if you want 4 eyes and note who checked the work before it went any further
  • Auditor review the task during or after the completion. Several quality standards require an auditor checking the task during or after its processing.

A system that helps but doesn't limit operation

Process automation increases efficiency in routine activities. On the other hand, rigid automation makes no sense and often gets in the way of work.

Process management can connect the world of processes and quality, while giving people the freedom to cooperate. We have built up a system based on know-how and experience from standards like CMMI. Thanks to that it provides services for methodology management but also support cooperation and innovation in the work procedures

Tasks – Infographic

Meeting management

Whether you're doing daily stand-ups, weekly team meetings, or calling a meeting to solve urgent problems, AyMINE automates everything to make the meeting effective.

  • Quick minutes creation
  • Tasks from the meeting are immediately in people's personal overview
  • All documents available
  • Notes from the meeting linked to the topics addressed
  • Minutes immediately

User documentation: Meeting management

Meeting management – Infographic

Coherent and carefully designed

Part of an effective management system

The AyMINE task manager is part of an efficient management system. It is therefore closely linked to all the activities that company management requires

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