Database link to Enterprise Architect database


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Database link to Enterprise Architect database

Database link is used to synchronize requests and analytic data between AyMINE and the Enterprise Architect. It is required to set up synchronization of individual packages (on the EA side) and areas/projects (on the AyMINE side).
One database link can be used to create any number of package synchronizations.

Link Configuration

In order to use synchronization, a user must be created in the database to access the EA database. The settings do not create a new user here! The user does not need access to any database other than the one being synchronized (does not need to access the AyMINE database either – the system accesses it by other access)

Database Configuration

Database Configuration requires

  • Select the database in which Enterprise Architect data is stored.
  • Set the connection string. The synchronization link requires a string as used during login. It needs to be prepared by administrators who know how to connect.
  • Set the username and password used for login. (Note: Only the system administrators who set the connection have access to the data.)

Database Requirements

The data synchronization does not convert a text format. It is therefore necessary for the Enterprise Architect database to use UTF-8 encoding. (The conversion can be modified, if necessary.)

The database collation of the data is not critical and it is not necessary to have it equal for both databases.

The synchronization module eacon adds a trigger to the Enterprise Architect database for initiation automatic data transfer of the chanaged made in the Enterprise Architect. The implementation requires the availability of an account with data structure modification rights to execute the connectivity. For the operation itself, an account with normal rights (insert, update, delete) will suffice. If it is not possible to insert modifications into the database, it is possible to use manual synchronization for individual packages.

Setting parameters

The settings provided are the same for all synchronization partnerships between one EA model (database) and AyMINE.

AyMINE and Enterprise Architect have a different documentation logic for objects, which is not completely convertible from one to the other. Therefore, setting the database link allows options that affect behavior. Their settings should correspond to the way of working with both systems

Synchronizing the text description of an object

Differences between EA and AyMINE

Enterprise Architect has a Notes / Description field, which is saved in html format (without full use of UTF8 encoding). EA's editing options support bullets and colors

AyMINE has a fields 2:

  • short description up to 300 characters long, which only supports line breaking
  • long description 32kb long is supported in addition to the EA by headings, tables, links and pictures. Long description is saved in Markdown format.

Synchronization var. 1 – EA description into short description

If the main point of creation of documentation is AyMINE, it is advisable to transfer a brief description to Enterprise Architect. A brief description is sufficient for unambiguous identification of the object as well as for an overview report from EA. At the same time, the option of text formatting and description editing in AyMINE will remain fully preserved.

This option is recommended because sharing a description with colleagues contributing requests or revisions does not create restrictions by transferring their contributions to the EA. This model corresponds in particular to a mode where requests come from users.

Synchronization var. 2 – EA description into "long" description

If documentation is created primarily in the Enterprise Architect and AyMINE serves to publish them without assuming more extensive work with texts, transferring to full description is preferable because the text does not have a length limitation and there is no risk of losing the piece due to synchronization.

The disadvantage of the transfer into a long description is that any modifications of users may not be transferred to Enterprise Architect correctly, because EA does not support headings and tables.

Advanced: EA supports headings in the display, but after any modification the EA will discard them from the text. To avoid this – even by mistake – the synchronization will leave the Markdown formatting headings intact by Enterprise Architect, even if they do not display it correctly (the characters ####willremain in the text).

Synchronization var. 3 – do not transmit the descriptions at all

The option is suitable in a situation where the purpose of using the Enterprise Architect is to use its schema creation capabilities. If the transfer is to allow the documentation to be completed with schemas, but the model is not further worked with in the Enterprise Architect, the transfer of the text documentation does not make sense, and discarding it minimizes the risk of affecting tha text.