Customer Service Response Generation

User Modules

Task, project & quality management
Contacts and directories module (CRM)
Web management and automation
Human resources
Products, assets and sales
Finance management
Metrics and Measurements

Technical Modules

Sabre plugin module
Enterprise Architect connector

System Modules

The AyMINE Framework Module
System Management

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Customer Service Response Generation

AyMINE supports the generation of an email response within the helpdesk ticket (issue) solution.

Helpdesk tickets are managed within Customer Service Support. Problem reports can be received directly from the form from the web, transferred from the e-shop or brought in by the trader. Emails are mostly further communicated and AyMINE supports their generation.

How to send messages to a helpdesk ticket

For each helpdesk ticket, the communication about its solution is kept on the communication tab.

Sending a problem message

The system creates a new email where the addressee is the one who reported the problem. If the client changes where the problem is solved, modify the person in charge in the ticket (issue).

If the template for the new message is prepared, the email will be automatically pre-filled.

Edit the template for the helpdesk message to the client

The message template can be defined separately for each helpdesk area. However, if the area does not have its own template, any template will be used. Templates are defined as other templates for email messages – more about them here. Only templates of the Auto Pattern type are used to automatically prepare the email.

Key Shortcuts

The template is automatically filled in. Always use the key field with @ before the word to complete the field from the problem / ticket.

Key Shortcuts about the problem

  • _@reportedBy – Who reported the problem
  • @problemName – Name under which the problem is registered
  • @shortDesc – Brief description or name (if the brief description is not filled in)
  • @problemDesc – Complete description of the problem
  • @mark – Mark under which the problem is solved
  • @company – Name of the organization / company that reported the problem (applies mainly to 8D reports, not to the regular helpdesk)
  • @created – When it was reported
  • @status – When it was closed
  • @status – Current processing status

Key abbreviations about the worker who reported the problem

  • _@salutation – Salutation (either stored in CRM or derived from name and language)
  • @firstName – First name
  • @name_ – Last name
  • @titleAfter – Title after name
  • @titleBefore – Title before name
  • @subjectMark – The tag (only if you register tags with people in CRM)

Example of the message template:

Sample of the pattern in html. You can of course use the wysiwyg editor for editing.


<p>we are responding to your request @mark from @created</p>


<div>Processing status: @status</div>

<div quote><br>

<div>We see the situation as follows:</div>