Team Member


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Team Member

Members of the task team are people who are not responsible for the completion of the task, but are involved in its implementation.
Team members can be assigned by the implementer or the executor.

Role of a member

When assigning a member to a team, it is necessary to determine in which role they are assigned:

  • Collaborator is anyone who contributes to the creation of deliverables through their own work.
  • Advises/consults are people who are brought in for their expertise
  • Decisions are typically made by a manager, but perhaps also by a member of another department who is required to make decisions as part of the task (e.g. investment approval, supplier approval, etc.)
  • Verifies by an employee who must verify the deliverables of a task before it can be considered complete.
  • Other If a role other than the one specified is required, this option can be used.

Member Involvement

A user automatically becomes a member of the team the moment a task is assigned to them by the responsible person or someone forwards the solution to them (using the Forward button).
A team member can also be nominated manually by using the add button next to the team (on this tab). Nominating manually is especially meaningful for the person in charge, who by nominating determines who should participate in the task, even if the member is not currently assigned to the task).
Once a member has been assigned to a team, that worker becomes a member of the team, but has the right to decline the role; typically because, after learning about the task, he or she finds that the role is not appropriate or would make him or her a redundant member. The task then does not appear among his tasks. After he completes his role in the task, he marks his participation as complete. A team member only sees the tasks on his table if he is also assigned one. Therefore, he typically learns about his assignment at the moment the task is handed to him.
The requester can add a clarification of the requirement to the engagement to make it clear why the person's participation is required. (Note: Quality standards require that several people verify the team's decision, each focusing on an area. Therefore, to correctly document compliance with the standard, it is important that the responsibilities of each member are specified. This will ensure that their role is documented for the audit).

Outputs of the member's work

A team member can:

  • add documents to the task, e.g. decision documents, written decisions, etc.
  • Write a written comment on their decision or even a rejection of their role. The team member's response cannot be changed by anyone else, and the team member cannot change it after he/she has marked his/her participation as complete.
  • He/she clearly documents his/her decision by setting the decision option (Agreed, Returned for processing, Rejected). Until the member has terminated his/her participation, he/she can change this decision. Therefore, he can, for example, return the documents for refinement and then approve them in the second round. However, if he/she terminates his/her role after the return, he/she can no longer approve.

Repeat membership

A team member may be asked to participate repeatedly. If, for example, he/she has declined to participate or has given a negative decision, the processor may ask for his/her participation again.

Statement of work and capacity plan

(Capacity Planning and Time Tracking is an additional feature of the system.)
Team members can report hours worked per task. This makes it possible for tasks to plan how much capacity they should need as well as track how much time they actually cost the company.

Team member without a specific member

Within the task template, it can be defined that a specific role is required to be involved as a team member, including specifying the role. When creating a task according to the template, a reference to a team member is also created for the task, but without a specific member that the team solver must select. Therefore, there may be predefined team member positions in new tasks even if specific members have not been selected.