Task list


Task, project & quality management
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Sabre plugin module
Enterprise Architect connector

System Modules

The AyMINE Framework Module
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Task list

List of tasks allow you to search in tasks that are currently or historically processed in system and are relevent for ypu.

About documentation: This comments describes only list of tasks. For details about task, open documentation in the task detail.

The predefined filters (second row of buttons) allow you to select the tasks you need to explore in the view. Further selection is possible by using the filters directly on the data columns

What tasks can you see

The list shows you tasks that are relevant to your work and position in the company. These tasks are:

  • for which you are responsible,
  • you are actively performing (you are the person assigned to perform) the task,
  • you are assigned to the team to solve the task in some role

You also have the opportunity to see tasks from areas and projects that you can look into but are not actively involved in.

The above rules apply to tasks in all states, i.e. not only active, but also closed or cancelled

About some of the columns in the list

Self column

This column shows which tasks are yours. The meaning of the icons is as follows:

  • You are responsible for the task as well as assigned to it.
  • You are responsible for the task, but someone else assigned to it
  • You are performing the task (it is assigned to you) but someone else is responsible for it
  • You are a member of a team that is involved in the task

How the filters on the buttons work

The filters on the buttons allow you to limit which tasks are shown to you. They do not allow you to override any of the above conditions.

Only active

Selects tasks that:

  • are in a valid state (i.e. not rejected or in progress),
  • not terminated or suspended.

Completed only

Displays only tasks that are in the Completed state.

In Delay

Displays tasks that have a scheduled end date in the past. For completed tasks, those that were completed later than their scheduled/requested completion date

User tasks

Displays only the tasks of the selected user or user group. Remember that:

  • You only see tasks that you are allowed to see. You cannot select to view tasks that are in areas that you do not have access rights.
  • The self column shows the relationship of the task to you, not to the selected persons. Use the accomplishes and responsible columns to see what the role of the selected persons is to the task. (If they are not in either role, they are members of the team involved in the task.)

fulltext – text search

The text search searches the title, short description, and long description. Note that it does not search the names of people associated with the task! To search by solver, use the filter on the column with the name of the solver or responsible person.
The filter for searching by text can be turned off or on and still leave the search text entered. To turn off the search, just "unpress" the button

Creating new tasks

You can create a task directly with the "new" button in the task list, but it is usually useful to create a task with a link to the objects to be solved in the task or based on the task definition in the methodology.

Good to know #### Why I can edit only some tasks in the task overview In the overview, you can edit tasks for which you are responsible that are not created from sample tasks. The reasons are * Tasks created from templates generally cannot be renamed – their name corresponds to the workflow of the methodology and renaming them would create confusion as to whether they are a methodology task or not * Renaming a task that is on someone else's desk would create confusion for that person as to what is actually there.